{Sunday, October 23, 2005.Banner for Matrix: Path of Neo}
data entered at 3:07 AM .
hehe.... I have two problems......firstly......I HAVE NO STINKING IDEA WHEN IS V FOR VENDETTA COMING OUT IN THE CINEMAS (according to the internet reports it is coming out next year in march...hells) and that the ratings for the movie is "R"....AT THIS rate i can't even watch the movie when it is released....
second problem.....well it is not "excally" a problem....well on the 8th of november "Matrix: the path of neo" the computer game will be released......and here is the problem (well there are achually many).......problem a) MY LOSH!!!!! THE GRAPHICS ARE TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SCARY (AS IN LIFE LIKE) seriously check it out for yourself at the offical web page...... god help me....... heres a link though......just in case http://www.atari.com/thematrixpathofneo/ ............ problem b) errrrr....hellooooooooo I AM PLAYING THE ROLE OF THE SINKING IDOT !!!!! AKA NEO AKA THE ONE AKA MR ANDERSON AKA MR TOMAS A. ANDERSON AKA THE BAKA AKA THE DEAD AND I PRAY REMAINS DEAD GUY.................what the hell.....that was a mouthfull............. problem c) HELLOOOOOOOOOOOO HOW THE HELL AM I GOING TO HAVE THE HEART TO SMASH UP SMITH"S FACE ALONG With tEH REST OF THE AGENTS AND EXILES IN THE GAME.....I SWEAR I WILL HAVE TO TAke A WHOLE YEAR JUST TO COMPLETE THE GAME HAVEING TO STOP AND RESTART EVERY LEVEL CONTAINING AGENTS AND EXILES OVER 10 TIMES.......JUST BECAUSE I DON"T hAVE tHE WILL TO PUNCH THEM...........AHHHHHHHHHHH THIS IS SOOOOOOOOOO INFURIATING !!!!!!!!